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Casey Johnson

about 9 years

Do we have anyone to play the right side of defense? I am a "give Rogers a chance" proponent and Garza is nice, but I'd rather see some continuity to build some momentum. If we want to go with a compact 4-man midfield to hold possession and build attacks, let's give it a serious "go". I wish Birnbaum was available. I'd bring Clint and Nguyen on at halftime just to see if I can figure out a way to play those two together. It might have to be a 3-5-2-ish setup... do we have anyone to play right winger/wingback? Can we borrow Yedlin from Spurs for 45 minutes? Also, I'd like to see some U-20 and U-23 guys come to the game and maybe sub in on their way to youth team camps and matches the next week.


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