103012_uslineup_isi_usmntfe11112011100 Florian Eisele/isiphotos.com
Best XI Voting

Who are the 11 Best American Players of 2012?

Clint Dempsey was named the 2012 Futbol de Primera U.S. national team player of the year, but that's not enough for us. We want your help in naming the U.S. national team's Best XI of 2012. Here's how.
BY John Godfrey Posted
December 16, 2012
3:06 PM
Since you're on this site and reading this article, you no doubt watch a lot of United States national team soccer. And we're guessing you have some strong opinions about who should—and shouldn't—be on the pitch at any given time.

If so, here's your big chance. We've temporarily tweaked our popular Starting XI tool and turned it into an interactive 2012 Best XI voting module. That's right, we want you to tell us (and the world, and Jurgen Klinsmann) who the best national team players were this year.

Let's be clear: We're not looking for your projected World Cup 2014 roster. (Not yet anyway.) And we're not asking you to predict the roster for the February 6, Hexagonal opener in Honduras (that's coming later too).

No, we want your 2012 Best XI—the best lineup of the past year based on performance. You game? Click anywhere on this otherwise-unnecessary sentence to get started. Have fun. And thanks.

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