52515_isi_diskerudmix_mlsml0503151845 Mike Lawrence/isiphotos.com
Tweets of the Week

TV Talk, Injury Updates and Laments on Advancing Age

Have cellphone, will tweet—that's the unofficial policy of most U.S. men's national team players. It's also the biggest reason why we monitor, and rank, their musings every week.
BY Justin Churchill Posted
May 25, 2015
12:00 PM

10. Mix Diskerud

Sorry—24-year-olds are not allowed to discuss how old they feel.


9. Wil Trapp

The infirmary is filling up....


8. Brad Evans

Should we allow people who watch The Bachelor to vote for president?


7. Tommy Thompson

It's almost time to put up or you-know-what.


6. Maurice Edu

 Tobin Heath was savage with the elastico.


5. Aron Johannsson

American beauty.

4. Quincy Amarikwa

Got some real scholars here.


3. Alejandro Bedoya



2. Brek Shea

Presented without comment.


1. John Brooks

 The first step to fixing a problem is recognizing there is one.

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