Tweets of the Week

Mix Drops a Cute Bomb; EJ Calls Out Ching; & Jermaine!

In case you were wondering, Mix Diskerud had Mickey Mouse sheets as a child; Eddie Johnson didn't like what Brian Ching had to say; and Jermaine Jones has friends in low places.
BY Justin Churchill Posted
August 05, 2014
12:02 PM

10. Joesph Gyau

Some U.S. national team/2.Bundesliga solidarity.

9. Matt Besler

Nick Rimando didn't get any minutes in Brazil, but still made an impression.

8. Mike Magee

He believes that they will win.

7. Alejandro Bedoya

Show this picture to friends who think Americans don't like soccer.

6. Herculez Gomez


5. Eddie Johnson

Honesty is the best policy—most of the time.

4. Michael Parkhurst

...but did he get a phone number?

3. Lee Nguyen

Expert use of the social media platform here.

2. Mix Diskerud

Mix unleashes Cute Bomb No. 6,323

1. Jermaine Jones

We're officially worried about Mr. Jones.

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